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Начало сессии: Wed May 17 00:00:00 2017
Сессия идентификации: #nostalgy
[00:13] * Zveryok покинул IRC (Quit: Exit to real world)
[00:30] * Zveryok приходит в #nostalgy
[00:30] <Вася> здарова! :)
[00:31] <Zveryok> Ну всё, патч поставил
[02:35] * Astyanax приходит в #nostalgy
[02:35] <Вася> Превед медвед
[02:44] * Zveryok покинул IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:45] * Zveryok приходит в #nostalgy
[02:45] <Вася> пт!
[03:31] * Zveryok покинул IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[03:40] * DDMZ приходит в #nostalgy
[03:40] <Вася> DDMZ : превед!
[03:41] <DDMZ> все уже поймали новый вирус от АНБ ?)
[03:42] <DDMZ> который по заверениям сшп распространяют Российские хакеры, славик, димон и абырвалг
[04:06] * jamesjames покинул IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[04:22] * jamesjames приходит в #nostalgy
[04:22] <Вася> jamesjames : кто к нам пожаловал!
[04:25] * DDMZ покинул IRC (Quit: Fallout лучшая RPG! Юзайте сайт http://Fallout.Net.Ru)
[05:34] * Astyanax покинул IRC (Normal Exit)
[05:59] * jamesjames покинул IRC (Normal Exit)
[10:41] * my_majesty приходит в #nostalgy
[10:41] <Вася> Превед медвед
[10:58] <NikodimAtWork> http://cs6.pikabu.ru/post_img/big/2017/05/16/8/1494936259139423197.jpg
[13:38] * STIW приходит в #nostalgy
[13:38] <Вася> драстуй!
[17:20] <NikodimAtWork> it's easy to take software for granted and not really appreciate how much it has infiltrated our daily lives. Back in 1947, the Mark II computer required legions of programmers to constantly maintain it. The average person never conceived of someday having his own computer in his home. Now there's free software CD-ROMs attached to cereal boxes and more software in our kids' video games than on the space shuttle. What once were techie gad
[17:20] <NikodimAtWork> !time
[17:20] <Вася> 17:20:29
[17:22] <NikodimAtWork> it's easy to take software for granted and not really appreciate how much it has infiltrated our daily lives. Back in 1947, the Mark II computer required legions of programmers to constantly maintain it. The average person never conceived of someday having his own computer in his home. Now there's free software CD-ROMs attached to cereal boxes and more software in our kids' video games than on the space shuttle.
[17:23] <NikodimAtWork> What once were techie gadgets, such as pagers and cell phones, have become commonplace. Most of us now can't go a day without logging on to the Internet and checking our email. We rely on overnight packages, long-distance phone service, and cutting-edge medical treatments.
[17:23] <NikodimAtWork> !time
[17:23] <Вася> 17:23:14
[17:51] <NikodimAtWork> альтернативу шаманскому бубну для сисадминов :-) https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/17842200_10154842364543113_1998097628_n.gif?oh=de059cc4ab220d16cec223f98ba0762c&oe=591EBB06
[21:43] * Nikodim приходит в #nostalgy
[21:43] <Вася> Доброго дня,утра,вечера...
[22:24] * Nikodim покинул IRC (Normal Exit)
[22:59] * Nikodim приходит в #nostalgy
[22:59] <Вася> Nikodim : превед!
[23:07] * Zveryok приходит в #nostalgy
[23:07] <Вася> с реконнектом тя ))
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Имя IRC-канала технической поддержки: #nostalgy